Is this really a question?

12108937_10156166203365080_6207549821521091213_nToday, I was working on a #TeaserTuesday for Supernatural Chronicles: The Cupids. My main character, Evelyn, is faced with a short, but epic To Do list that rivals any I’ve ever made. Creating a list of things I hope to accomplish each day (or week) helps me stay on task. It’s only in the last few weeks that I’ve let go of my To Do lists and gone through each day with a little more spontaneity.

Not the best idea.

The chaos rushed me to respond to requests and deadlines. Anxiety built up. Worry that I’d missed something weighed on me. My world appeared to be within my grasp, but it was all an illusion.

If Evelyn plans to save the immortal world she better stick to her list. And, if I plan to stay sane a To Do list is crucial. Here are some tips for keeping your head and crap together…

  1. Make a list for tomorrow, tonight.
    • Before you go to sleep, take a few minutes and write down everything you hope to accomplish tomorrow. There doesn’t have to be a rhyme or reason (yet), simply get it all out of your head. This process will help you sleep better too!
  2. Wake up and prioritize your list.
    • Before you start checking random things off your list, prioritize. Start with what you believe is the most important or time sensitive and work your way down to the tasks that can be finished the next day. If you chip away at what’s easiest to avoid what is time consuming and needs tackling, it can throw you back into chaos-mode.
  3. Become familiar with the word ‘No’.29-Ways-to-Say-No-and-Keep-Your-Self-Respect
    • Plain and simple, if it’s not on your list for the day you shouldn’t do it. At least until you’ve checked everything off.
  4. It’s not the end of the world if something carries over onto tomorrow’s list.
    • You’ll get it done, eventually. One day you might even find yourself with nothing to do. (I’m still waiting for that day. In fact, I add ‘Read a new book’ to my list so I can pretend to have those days!)

Now, go make your list, and get busy! NO excuses, NO distractions, NO detours. You’ll feel accomplished and rest easier knowing you’ve check the last thing off your To Do list each day.