d8a5e8ff41b3ff21de32cae774d97de6Last week you got a glimpse into my writerly relationships when I posted about #LoveWriteCreate, and Gaby Robbins is a major part of our fun, wacky way to learn more about the writing/ reading/ publishing/ blogging/ social media communities. Gaby is a creative and thoughtful writer. Her wit, goofy-book-nerding, and love for her family are just a few things that make us make us kindred spirits. I know you’ll grow to adore her as much as I do, when you get to know more about her.

Warm-Up: Would You Rather…
Join a gym or a fantasy league?

Fantasy league, no better way to get in shape then to kick butt with other super hero figures!  And gyms are yucky!

Walk a fashion week runway or sing in a halftime show?

For the sake of the sporting community, I would strut my stuff on the catwalk.

Write a self help book or a cookbook?

Food helps, am I right?   So cookbook, I love cooking, it would be fun!

Eat only turkey, or only pumpkin pie for a week?

I love sweets, but I could eat turkey all day every day.  YUMM!!!

Vlog or Blog?

While I love to write, talking comes very naturally to this girl named GABY.  So vlog, I feel like my silly face helps get my point across a little more accurately then writing sometimes. 

Main Course Questions:10441967_326043730894410_1924192128691070224_n
What are three things you’re most thankful for as an author?

GREAT stories that inspire me.

The ability to buy a book at 1 in the morning, right after I finished a book and NEED the next one.
Amazing writing friends who help and encourage me.

Do you have any strange writing habits?

I have serious character conversations while in the shower.  Always happens, I talk out loud and work out dialogue.  Before I decided I should write a book, I always wondered what this meant about me.  Haha!

What part of your stories do you change your mind about most while writing? (i.e. characters, setting, plot, etc.)

So far its been my settings.  The setting becomes really important as far as meaning.  And, I start to rethink them.

Which of your characters are you most like? How?

I think I am most like Isadora.  She is a warrior who has had a hard start in life and is a little damaged.  But she has acclimated and learned to use her strengths to protect herself.  

10352256_326044694227647_6923396391051509412_nI’m a big fan of playlists… And, I know how much you love music! If you could pick one song to represent each of your main characters, what would they be?

EVANGELINE – Liar, Liar – A Fine Frenzy

NEO – It was Always You – MAROON 5
LORELI – Run the World (GIRLS) – BEYONCE
KORINA – My Song 5 – HAIM

Describe your novel (work-in-progress) in five words each.

Enigma – She must save our WORLDS or  Magic, love, lies & prophecy.  THIS IS HARD!

What is your least favorite part of the writing process?

The discipline of daily writing.  I am not a full time writer.  I have a job and a family.  So getting in an hour or a few minutes makes it so difficult to be creative.  Ultimately it will be worth it, I BELIEVE!

Where can we see you, and what can we see from you in 2015?

Well, on my blog, gabyrobbins.com and twitter, fb, tumbler, pinterest and youtube.  Phew.  And in 2015, I am hoping to have Enigma done.  Then you will get to read about my muse!

Wrap-Up: Rapid Fire…10460113_1508444032701546_3390913049943809134_n
Favorite animal at the zoo?  Giraffe!  Love those tall guys!!!
Favorite HP character?  Aww, can’t I say ALL!!  No?  Neville Longbottom
Favorite holiday side dish?  Brussel sprouts with bacon!  YUMM
Favorite holiday pastime?  EATING COOKIES!!!!
Favorite read for the holiday season?  Gonna read Girl Online by Zoe Sugg this holiday season.  Looking forward to it.