This hangout with myself (Kallie Ross), Morgan Wylie, and Gaby Robbins, is one of our funniest! We discuss last week’s 15k-word-writing-goal… And, our crazy attempts at accomplishing it, along with living life and partaking of a few frivolous activities. It’s been a week full of snow days, work days, new reads, but few words. We explore ideas that may help us achieve future goals, and throw down a more feasible word count. 

This week’s challenge is a little different, and stems from my personal experience. I was selected to have the first page (of my first novel, Descent) posted on two blogs, and for the segment to be open to critiques by anyone willing to read and leave feedback. I was inspired to challenge our #LoveWriteCreate crew to have their own work (at least 1 chapter) read and critiqued by an author outside of their genre.

We’ll be back next week to tell you how it all goes!