The new year is here and no matter how hard we try we can’t go back. I’m resolved to step away from Netflix and its holiday haze, and plan to step into a year of action: creative, physical, and spiritual action!

@KallieRossSome of us *points finger at self* have set lofty goals for 2016. I do it every year and subconsciously make the same mistakes. Whether it’s the number of words I plan to write or the number of novels I’ll finish, I aim high. With determination and some elbow grease I tell myself I will rock this year!

So, why do I get a few weeks or months into the year and quit? Notice, I said quit, not sidetracked. In the past I’ve used the term sidetracked and it’s a dishonest-no-good excuse. I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I’ve spent some time reflecting. Each year I hope to stick with my resolutions a little bit longer than the last, but this year I want to try something different…

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If looking back isn’t the best way to move forward, then why do we do it?

wonderful-how-to-plan-your-flower-garden-layout-white-windowsThis year I’m going to look at my year like a garden. Each goal is a different plant and it needs to be tended to every day. The way different flowers need different amounts of water and sun, my goals will require varying attention and focus. If I want to experience more growth in 2016, I’ll have to do more.

Some of you may cut me off right there, but I’ll acknowledge to do more I’ll have to give up a few things. Digging in and getting your hands dirty could be fun and productive, but it also involves pulling out the weeds. I plan to step away from social media one day a week in order to feed my creativity. I’m going to break down my word count goals into bite-sized pieces. I’ve broken my year into quarters, and while the first few months have detailed objectives, I’ve left the others more flexible. The idea is that I might need to tweak my goals later, but only to grow them.

There’s a lot to be done in 2016. Avoid traps that stall you or result in quitting, and remember you won’t get anything done if you’re not doing anything.