Surrounding the release of Avengers: Age of Ultron, I thought it would be cool to post a series of ideas I’ve had about being a ‘Superwriter’ (my corny version of a wordy-superhero). Marvel Comics is no stranger to a May Blockbuster, and if I were a betting woman I’d be wealthier than Tony Stark after this weekend because this second Avengers film looks like another hit. If you’ll be patient with me over the next few weeks, I’d like to address some topics like Hulk vs. Bulk, Ironman vs. Inspire-man, Captain America vs. Captain Obvious… And, don’t worry, I’m not a Marvel-snob. Wonder Woman vs. Humble Woman and Batman vs. But-man, are also Superwriting-powers all of us should utilize.

Avengers: Age of UltronOne thing Marvel is far from is modest. I don’t mean it to be an insult, but I want to use the franchise’s success in Hollywood to make a point. I recently read an article on about Marvel earning twice as much as any other comic…

“Taking every Marvel and DC property that made it to film into account, DC has made approximately $8.9 billion in ticket sales since 1978 after adjusting for inflation. Meanwhile, Marvel’s characters (regardless of studio licenses) have taken in a cool $17.7 billion in a much shorter timeframe.”

You can actually go to and see the numbers for every movie released in the last thirty years. Not only are Marvel films synonymous with must-see movies in May, but we all look forward to quirky cameos, crazy-amazing-action-scenes, and clips after the credits. Avenger films are bold. A group of brave superheroes fight depraved evildoers, and eventually win with the bad guy banished back to outer space leaving a trail of sarcasm in his wake.

Now, let’s take a look at modesty

1. the quality of being modest; freedom from vanity,boastfulness, etc.
2. regard for decency of behavior, speech, dress, etc.
3. simplicity; moderation.

I’ll never claim to have super powers, but if I was from another planet or had billions of dollars the super suit and magic hammer would be a given. I’d rather not turn green, but not aging and always being in shape would rock! Just thinking about all the possibilities makes me grow vain and reckless.

“Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything.” ~Unknown

Being a super writer is about moderation. We’ve got to keep life pretty simple and stick to our craft. Spending an abundance of time bragging might work for Ironman, but it won’t make me a better storyteller. Being complicated like Bruce Banner and occasionally losing it will only leave me isolated.


Our culture restricts modesty to outer appearance, but I’d like you to consider that an inner modesty is more vibrant than any trendy outfit.

“The less you reveal the more people can wonder.” ~Emma Watson