
:  an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs
:  an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment

Whether it’s on 34th Street or it’s a feel-good story you see on the local news, miracles are beautiful occurrences, but they never seem to happen for us. I hate to burst your bubble, but that’s a lie. ‘Tis not the season for pity parties! Just this week, I experienced two situations that I would categorize as miracles. (If you don’t include the daily miracle of waking up each morning.)

First, the planets aligned, and I was able to meet with a young lady that has been struggling with life. I honestly believe that the courage she pulled together to call and meet with me was a miracle. Don’t get me wrong, she is still dealing with a lot in life that I can’t even begin to fathom handling at such a young age, but she is taking steps toward healing and understanding. Miracles don’t always come out of the blue, sometimes they are sought after and believed in before they ever come to fruition. My new friend is in store for many more miracles if she keeps believing!

Second, (and this one makes me cry while typing) two of my dearest friends completed the adoption process this past week. They are wonderful people, and they were selected to be the parents of a wonderful baby girl. Not only was the miracle of a new life celebrated, but the miracle of parenthood and family were also embraced. This miracle will be remembered with every diaper change, instagram pic, and birthday party. I can’t wait for each and every one.

I know what you’re thinking, ‘That’s great, Kallie, but where’s my miracle?’  Well, let me ask you a question. When was the last time you believed you deserved a miracle, or asked for a miracle, or worked toward a miracle?

When it comes to writing, I refer to it being a miracle if I ever get published all the time. The problem is, I’m surrounded by miracles, and I need to believe in my writing, ask for help to improve my writing, and work on my writing diligently, the same way I would a miracle.

And, if you don’t believe me, then here’s a little something Albert Einstein said about miracles…

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