

Mandy runs the I Read Indie Book Blog, and has become a fast friend! Her ability to juggle reading, reviewing, four girls, a household, and husband has me in awe. Getting to know Mandy, I’ve found that we like a lot of the same stories, and you can’t have too many book-friends. Mandy has been kind enough to answer some questions, so you can get to know her too! Links to her blog and social media are down below.

  1. I noticed you’ve been blogging since 2010! That’s awesome! I’d love to know what keeps you going?

There are days I tell myself that I am going to hang up my blogging hat. But then there is always something that reels me back in and slaps some sense into me. Like seeing my name in the acknowledgements or being nominated for Best Blogger for the UtopYA awards. Talk about a high!!


  1. You’ve listed a favorite quote on Facebook, that is also one of my favorites…

“One must always be careful of books, and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.”

~ Tessa, Clockwork Angel (Cassandra Clare)

What ‘words’ or novels have had the power to change you?

I have read a few books that dug so deep into me that I thought I wouldn’t be able to move on from them. Eventually I do, I am a reviewer after all. But it is those ones that keep whispering in the back of my mind long after I am onto another read. I love those kinds of books. 


  1. I know you have daughters (I have one myself), and I’d love to know what books you look forward to sharing with them as they grow older? If you need some help, how about ages 10, 13, 15, and 18?

Well, my oldest 2 girls are nearly 15 (yikes) and 13. I have recently let the oldest start reading books like Twilight and some John Greene books. I cringe knowing there is stuff in his books that I feel are a bit too old for her, but I also know that I cannot shield her forever. But some books I cannot wait for them to read are Shannon McCrimmon’s books. Her books are absolutely fabulous and such sweet romance. And of course books by Lila Felix. I love that girl so hard and her books are so much fun and swoon-worthy. 


  1. Your blog, i read indie, is so organized, and I really admire how easy it is to navigate. Are you as structured in real life? Why or why not?

Oh lord no. I am such a scatterbrain. And it has recently gotten worse with the newest addition to the family, Payton. She is 4 months old and doesn’t allow for me to get much done on the blog or at the house. And especially no reading time anymore. It takes me forever to finish a book now days, where before I would have had them done in a day or two. My mind is just everywhere. 


  1. Do you have any quirky habits while reading or reviewing? Listen to music, eat specific flavors of jelly beans, drink hot tea, etc.?

I have to have complete and utter silence. It never fails that when I finally finish a book and sit down at the computer, my 7 year old have a million and five questions to ask me. Or a story to tell me that never seems to end and when it does your sitting their dumbfounded wondering what you had planned on saying about the book. 


  1. Who was the most interesting interview from, that you’ve received back from an author? Why was it so interesting?

I cannot remember who it was…but every single answer this author wrote was me to a T! It was as if I was the one answering it. It was freaky scary. I have had a few that had me laughing the whole time as well. Gotta love an author with a hilarious sense of humor. 


  1. What book has been the biggest surprise that you’ve read recently? Maybe you had never heard of the author, or didn’t particularly think the plot would be up your alley, but you read and adored it?

Probably the biggest surprise most recently is Nocte and Verum by Courtney Cole. They absolutely had me gobsmacked in their endings. I am so looking forward to Lux. There is no telling what will happen or where Cole will take it. 


  1. What novel(s) are you most looking forward to reading over the Summer?

Lux (Courteny Cole) of course. I have a few that I am about to read (soon’ish) that I believe haven’t came out yet. Like Shannon McCrimmon’s 2 newest books, Like All Things Beautiful and This is Where We Begin. Oh and there is Terminal by J.L. Bryan. It is releasing on May 4th. I have it and I am itching to read it. That series is absolutely amazing and scares the beejezzus out of me. 

Speed Round:

Hardback or Paperback


Next Book or Fav-Character-Novella

Next book

Silence or White Noise

Silence. Absolute silence

Sweet or Salty

Oh sooo sweet

Nook or Kindle

Have a nook but read off the kindle app on it. (That’s probably illegal or something lol)

Love Triangle or Break-up-Back-together

Tough one…probably break-up-back-together!

Here are some links so you can connect with Mandy…
