

Time is an idea we all wish we could tangibly hold, stretch, and manipulate into what we need it to be. Whether it’s lengthening our day or speeding up an hour-long conference call, there are times we wish we had a Tardis. In addition to feeling like...
Not Ready or Chicken?

Not Ready or Chicken?

How many times have you asked yourself ‘Am I ready’? Most days I wake up with that question on my mind. Facing the day, wrangling in the children, tackling the To Do list, supporting friends, high-fiving my husband, and writing relevant words are just a...
Type or Talk?

Type or Talk?

Talk or type? Type or talk? Today, I’m recording a blog post through Dragon Dictation. The grammar can be pesky. And, I feel completely out of my comfort zone. The reason I decided to try the software, is because I love my technology and I love a good challenge....