
Name or Pen Name: Kallie Ross
Genre: Contemporary Fantasy
Word Count: 69,000

What you hope your CP will do for you:

HONESTY! I have a completed MS that has gone through two phases of editing. What I need help with is tightening the storyline and working on the pace from chapter to chapter. I would also like to work with someone long-term, so that the voice/pace of future books is similar. I love Google Hangout, but I’m happy with shooting emails back and forth, too.

Why someone would want you to be their CP:

I teach high school English, and have an editing eye. I’m also very creative and think outside the box, and love brainstorming. I adore the idea of having a critique partner that wants help with their novel, as well as the backstory, character building, and outlining. I do prefer YA novels, and it’s a bonus if they are Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Steampunk, or Mystery.


More about Descent:

Seventeen-year-old Ollie Miller is ready to leave all of her hurt feelings behind and move on to college, but first she has to make it through a few more weeks of summer living next door to her ex-best friend, Mateo. When curious earthquakes begin to shake and rip open the foundation of her small town, the ground becomes as unsteady as her feelings for him.

When they fall, they fall hard…

They descend into a cavernous wonderland, and inadvertently bring some friends with them. The underground is both mysterious and breathtaking, and when they encounter giant creatures and a crumbling underground, they must find their way out or risk being stuck in the caves forever—or worse, dead. While searching for a way back home, they find Gabriel. He is a stranger to them, but he and his tribe are no stranger to the labyrinth he grew up in. Desperate for help, and unaware of the power they will encounter, they begin a treacherous journey filled with ancient secrets, unexpected truths, and uncharted feelings.

*If you have questions, you can leave them in the Comments, or I can be contacted at kallieross (at) gmail (dot) com.